Bridesmaid gifts

I forgot to take a picture of the BM gift bags after they were all put together, as I did this in the last couple of days before the wedding.  It wasn't really that hectic, I just forgot.  They all had the same gifts, so to speak, but they were personalized to each girl, varying on their tastes.  So, here's what I put together in each bag:

- Bottle of champagne (Verdi spumante sparkling raspberry wine- has a sweet taste)
- Swarovski crystal bracelets that I made for each of them, in different colors.
- Photo album, with different pictures of each BM and I together. 
- Thank you card

I didn't have a large budget for presents, since we didn't have a very big budget in general for our wedding.  I spent months trying to come up with something big and grand, and in the end realized that it was more important to me that the presents were something heartfelt that I knew they would enjoy.  Normally, I would have made them each a different patterned bracelet, but I actually made one for myself a while ago, and each of them have commented on how beautiful they thought it was and how they wanted one, so that helped cement the idea for me. 

Because the GM gifts didn't come in until after the wedding, I decided to give the girls their gifts after the rehearsal dinner.  The guys knew what happened, but it still felt like a bad idea, so we met in my hotel room afterwards.  It was really wonderful to be able to see their expressions and enjoy it with them, rather than have them spread out across a room and trying to take it all in. 